Lisa O’Brien named THP Executive Director
On May 1st 2023, the Interim Board of Directors welcomed Lisa O’Brien as the Executive Director of the Taos Housing Partnership (THP). Calling Taos home since 1995, Lisa is an active community member who continues to dedicate her time serving local nonprofits both professionally and through her volunteerism. More recently, Lisa served as Foundation Director at Taos Community Foundation where she was instrumental in launching The Fund for Taos, an emergency action Fund, that granted nearly $2m into community for three separate emergencies (COVID-19, the 2022 Wind Storm event, and the Hermit’s Peak wildfire), and was a founding leader of EC-COAD (Enchanted Circle-Communities Active in Disaster). In her new role as Executive Director of THP, Lisa looks forward to working across all sectors of the community to get to housing solutions. Lisa believes creating affordable options for our community is going to require an all-hands on deck approach and is thrilled with the opportunity to help set that table.